• Adjusting To Change

    It’s something neither Elaine Goodlad or I am good at yet the change we have experienced has not all turned out bad.  It’s about perspectives and we discuss how we manage those perspectives. My Website Anatigre.com This podcast is brought to you by BlessedBodywear.com You can subscribe to the...
  • Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet And How It’s Working

    After switching to a whole-food plant-based diet, Ana Tigre and Elaine Goodlad sit down to talk about how it is working and the issues they have experienced.   This podcast is brought to you by BlessedBodywear.com You can subscribe to the Blessed Podcast on iTunes or Spotify or Google Play...
  • You Might Have To Let Them Go

    Ana Tigre and Elaine Goodlad talk about relationships and why sometimes we need to say goodbye to people that are toxic and negatively affect our happiness, self-esteem, personal growth and even our purpose in life.   This podcast is brought to you by BlessedBodywear.com You can subscribe to the...
  • How Did I End Up In An Abusive Relationship? – Part Two

    Ana and Elaine continue with part two of their three podcast series on Abusive Relationships with this episode where they discuss why they stayed in abusive relationships even after they realized they were in an abusive relationship. Both Ana and Elaine discuss their own experiences, their thought processes and...
  • Procrastination Is A Life Killer

    Ana and Elaine are back with the Blessed Podcast after a long break. On this show they discuss procrastination and how they and many others buy into excuses to justify procrastination. It was time they deal with the problem so in this episode the share how they broke that...